milton w. glenn in Chinese
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- milton
- n. 1.米尔顿〔姓氏,男子名〕。 2.John Milton 约翰密尔顿〔1608-1674,英国诗人, Paradise Lost 的作者〕。
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- glenn
- n. 格伦〔姓氏,男子名〕。
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- in w
- 英寸水柱
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- s w a
- 反恐特警组特警雄风洛城特警; 特别武器和战术小组
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- w
- 短语和例子 W,w (pl. W's, w's ) 1.英语字母表第二十三个字母。 2.W 字形物。 3.〔W〕 【化学】元素钨 (wolfram) 的符号。 4.【印刷】W 铅字。 短语和例子 w = 1.warden. 2.warehouse. 3.watt(s). 4.weight. 5.west; western. 6.width. 7.【物理学】 ...
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- w and
- ww and w,= wash and wear 【织】洗了就可穿;免烫。; 称量与检验; 水路铁路联运
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- w or a
- atrophy]虚弱或萎缩; 虚弱或萎缩
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What is the meaning of milton w. glenn in Chinese and how to say milton w. glenn in Chinese? milton w. glenn Chinese meaning, milton w. glenn的中文,milton w. glenn的中文,milton w. glenn的中文,translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by